Privacy Policies
Your information is very important to us and what information we collect about you depends on the way you decide to interact with us.

This page provides links to privacy policies which explain the information we collect about you and how we use that information.

We will collect, process and retain any personal information collected from you in accordance with all applicable data protection and privacy legislation in for from time to time in the United Kingdom


If you are participating, or applying to participate in any of our programmes, please click here


If you are working for us as a freelancer, or applying for a freelance position with us, pleaseclick here


If you are participating or applying to participate in any of our programmes, please click here
In all privacy policies any reference to we, us and out is to South Shore Productions Limited. South Shore Productions Limited is a company registered in England and Wales (company number 11557872) with its registered office at 210 High Holborn, London, England WC1V 7HD.

We keep our privacy policies under review so please check this page from time-to-time. These privacy policies were last updated in March 2021.

Privacy Policies

Your information is very important to us and what information we collect about you depends on the way you decide to interact with us.

This page provides links to privacy policies which explain the information we collect about you and how we use that information.

We will collect, process and retain any personal information collected from you in accordance with all applicable data protection and privacy legislation in for from time to time in the United Kingdom




If you are participating, or applying to participate in any of our programmes, pleaseclick here
If you are working for us as a freelancer, or applying for a freelance position with us, pleaseclick here
If you are participating or applying to participate in any of our programmes, please click here
In all privacy policies any reference to we, us and out is to South Shore Productions Limited. South Shore Productions Limited is a company registered in England and Wales (company number 11557872) with its registered office at 210 High Holborn, London, England WC1V 7HD.

We keep our privacy policies under review so please check this page from time-to-time. These privacy policies were last updated in March 2021.